10/10 - Gi recap. Chokes from the back and defense.

First we looked at the basic two collar choke from the back. The details in this video are not bad. But, I'm not sure what he's talking about when he says people will let you have the grip. Against a game opponent this will always be a fight.  

Next we looked at the single wing choke.  This is a more powerful choke and one I look for frequently.   

The last version of the rear collar choke is the most powerful and that is the bow and arrow choke.  

Notice that in each instance the choke becomes tighter as your head moves farther from the choking hand.  As a result in even the first relatively stationary position we want to try to move your head as far away from the choking grip as possible.

As as the defender, if we are able to address the grip early and remove the corresponding hook we can unwind the choke and escape. It is important to move toward the grip to loosen the choke. Moving away from the grip will make the choke tighter.