10/13 No gi recap - Anaconda and Unicorn chokes

Friday we were creating and attacking front headlock. We used an overhook and break posture from standing, run our opponent to front headlock and then attack two different chokes. The first of which was the anaconda choke. This is similar to a Darce choke, but the hands are clasped behind the armpit instead of behind the neck. In the video below Marcelo shows a few ways to get the finish. I prefer to roll only to my back and bridge upward to finish. This allows me the option of continuing to roll to my side if for some reason I can't finish, but prevents my opponent from doing certain escapes. 

After this we looked at what is known at InFighting as a Unicorn choke, although some know it as a head and arm guillotine. Not to be confused with a head and arm choke or an arm in guillotine, which are both different things. Hence us renaming it. For me this is my most common and highest percentage attack from front headlock. I prefer if for a few reasons, chief among them is that if the attack fails, I maintain the arm drag and am in a great position to come up and attack the back. The anaconda and Darce chokes both leave me feeling exposed when they fail.