5/6 No Gi Recap - Arm drag off the baseball bat grip

For this class we looked at getting a strong two handed grip on our opponents wrist and circling toward their flank on the same side. We did this while pulling down hard on the wrist to illicit a reaction from them. If they are slow in responding we would just continue to work toward their back and win the body lock. However, most people will instinctively reach across with their free hand to break the grip. This is a prime opportunity to arm drag and attack the body on the far side. You could use the chance to shoot, but the angle works best for the high crotch finish and if chokes are allowed in the sport you are doing, avoid the high crotch.


Another possible outcome is that they may stop your circling by posting on your head or inside shoulder We will change sides on this as well but do so by popping the post and dropping our level. Again, get to the body fast.
