Options off the Georgian Grip

This week we looked at a grip that is a lot more prominent in Sambo than in other jacket wrestling sports, the Georgian grip. Personally, I love it. I look for it essentially every match. We talked about a handful of options once you get the grip, but most important, stressed how crucial pressure down through your elbow is once you have it. You do not want to allow your opponent to build toward your hips and lift you. I cant stress that enough, the point of the belt grip is to allow you to drive your elbow hard down into their upper back, breaking their posture before the throw, as well as to elevate them when you are ready to throw. 

The first option we looked at off the Georgian was the outside trip (Osoto Gari). Check out this potato quality video of a great Georgian Osoto. 

We also looked at Podhvat (Harai Goshi) and an inside trip (Ouchi Gari). Check out this awesome video of Vlad Koulikov teaching a jiu jitsu version of Louis C.K. these two techniques. 

Last we checked out this awesome turnover straight into the armbar. Easier than it looks and cool as hell. Again, here is Vlad.