11/3 and 11/6 Recap - Foot sweep> inside trip > drop shoulder & foot sweep > duck to pick up

Welcome back. Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I have not done any for the beginners self defence program, although I may do a separate video series for it and try to get the whole thing on film.  This post on the other hand will cover the techniques we looked at on Friday and Monday in both GI and No GI. 

We started off both classes looking at sweeping the trailing leg. We did this off a few grips. The first time we did it off an inside bicep control with our left hand and a tight over hook tricep control with our right. From here we step toward the left hand bicep control and try to time our foot sweep on the trailing leg with out left foot. Below are a few good examples of this style of foot sweep. The first is a shorter, judo video. The second is a longer, Sambo video, which is in Russian but you can muddle out some good details. 

In our first class looking at this sweep, because we had an over hook on the right while attempting it, we transitioned in the event of failure to an inside trip, toward the right over hook. In our scenario, we circle left, attempt our foot sweep but whiff because Uki withdraws their right foot, leaving them in a left foot lead and exposing the inside trip.  

The last technique we worked in this three move chain was the drop shoulder throw. Known in judo as a drop seoi nage and in Sambo as a drop spina, the drop shoulder throw is easy to hit off  a tight over hook when Uki has moved his hips and feet away.  In our scenario, we started moving left, attempted the foot sweep and Uki stepped his right foot back. We went back right to attempt the inside trip, but Uki again stepped his left foot out of our reach. This time we continue turning right, dropping to our knees to finish the throw. 

On Monday we attacked the same foot sweep, but changed our gripping. This time, we initially had our same left bicep grip but paired it with a right hand collar tie instead of the over hook. This allows a lot of pressure to the head to finish the sweep and will frequently allow you to finish a sweep which may not have been executed with perfect timing. Additionally, the collar tie allows us to hit a very effective duck under as well. In this scenario, we again started left to attempt our foot sweep, this time when Uki avoids the sweep, we snap the head past as we duck under our bicep grip and spin behind for a pick up. Check out Carry Kolat below. 

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