4/27 No Gi Recap - Shallow underhook series.

This class focused on the use of the shallow underhook. We looked at four different finishes from the position as well as briefly how to pummel from a collar tie to get there. The first was a simple snap and circle to front headlock. The key point on this are not to leave your feet when reaching for the front headlock. if you jump, you will get slammed. Snap them down, circle them, and bury their head in you chest before you change your grips. The second finish was to the snatch single. We snap and circle again, this time dropping the underhook hand to grab the leg. No need to go too low, just connect your hands and drive their weight to the far leg. This works best when the near leg is forward and easy to reach. If the near is back and out of reach we looked next at running the far side knee tap. Here is Ben Askren with a good summary up to this point.

The last option we looked at was when the opponent wins the hand fight on the off hand, the non underhook hand. In this case we shot a far side duck, making their grip our grip to open the space. Again, here’s Ben.