8/4 No Gi Recap - Overhooks, Underhooks, Cutbacks

This was the first class in the new space. Thanks again to all who turned out for the new project. You’re all my favorite humans. The first real content we looked at was the interaction of overhooks and underhooks standing. We have talked about this a lot in my classes but it is foundational material, so we’re going to keep talking about it.

Most of what we discussed can be found in this earlier post.

Then we looked at using the cutback as an option when the underhook player is caught under pressure from the overhook. Check that out here.

Once on the ground we looked at rolling through turtle, capturing the wrist and hitting a Peterson roll. If you check out this old post on Petersons, keep in mind that we hit ours straight from turtle where as the coach in the video moves first to a push back sit, then returns to a high turtle for his Peterson. Context matters. The main take away though is that against large opponents it takes a lot less effort to pike and cut back under them, rather than just roll away from them.

The last content we looked at was going back to the overhook vs underhook action, but this time as the bottom player wrestles up on a single from bottom half guard. Again, this is covered in the link above. The key lesson here is not to play your underhook over the hip once you get to your knees, instead keep it below the waist line so the top player can’t run you to front headlock.