9/7 Gi recap

This class was all about armbar escapes. We picked up where we left off talking about our stack defence to the armbar from guard. Here is Stephan and some dude going over his preferences for this escape. 


Next we talked about escaping the Japanese armbar. This is the one leg over, one knee up style of armbar common in Judo. It is fast, but less stable than the both legs over style more common to BJJ. If time properly, you can frequently jump your hip up on top of the knee which is in your armpit. I can't find a good video of the technique, but in this clip from Rolled Up, Ralph hits something similar on Budo Jake. It is essentially the same thing, just larger and more dynamic. 


Next we looked at the Hitchhiker escape. This works for both style of armbar and works very well when the above technique fails. Once you have your hip up, trying to get it over their leg, if you fail to get over the knee, drop straight into your hitchhiker roll. 


Last we looked at the Head Inside escape. This is simple, but not easy. However, you can attempt it while keeping your grip closed, which is nice. Again, here is Stephan.