8/21 Combat Wrestling recap - Defending double underhooks

10 min Warm up

  • Osoto
  • Inside trip
  • Rear foot hook
  • Ankle pick
  • Sit outs

Reviewing some footage from the national qualifier I decided we needed to work on defending double underhooks or the body lock.  First thing we looked at was a basic method to break the lock if possible. The danger from the body lock is greatest when your opponent is able to bring your hips to theirs. So, the first step is to sink your hips back as far as possible denying them the ability to pick you up or fold you back. This motion should also expose their elbows. Next we want to wrap our elbows around  theirs, link hands and break the grip. 

Once you have opened the grip you are much safer and can look to counter. One of the counters we looked at was the technique below which we were introduced to during the warm up. 

The last and best counter to the bodylock that we looked at was to throw our opponent with Harai Goshi. We have covered this throw previously, so feel free to look back through the blog, but this example by Craig Jones perfectly demonstrates how we want to use our opponents drive to build to the hips to feed into the throw. 

Notice that by keeping his overhook Craig can ensure his opponent will LAND DOWN UNDER him. Sorry. Couldn't help myself.