3/26 Gi recap - Georgian grip counters

As promised this class we looked at means of counter the Georgian grip. We did this two ways. First we revisited the Lateral Revolution.  This counter works best deeper into the sequence, after the opponent has shifted their grip from the lapel over the back. We also worked a counter earlier in the sequence in which we drive the arm across while it is still on the collar or at least before it makes it's way to the back. This was an entry into Sode Tsuri komi goshi. This is a fantastic throw with a difficult entry but easy finish. Here is a video of a very similar technique. Here Matt from Beyond Grappling ducks under the collar grip to create the same situation which would arise from our opponent attempting to set up the Georgian.  

We also checked out a few versions of this throw that are more offensive and less reactionary. Here again is Elliot Hill with his take on Sode which includes the rolling finish most common in Sambo. 

And for you WWE fans out there, here is Ronda Rousey with a single grip version.