8/11 nogi recap

Key concepts from this class were about planning for when your opponent finds his feet against your pick up, or pulls a standing guard, as in the case of a counter guillotine. The first option we looked at was transitioning to a rear trip, or Tani Otoshi.  Check out this video of a guy whose name suggests he may have been raised on Vulcan. 

We also looked at defending the standing guillotine. The woman in the video below does a great job of looking up and opening the grip, what she doesn't do is have a plan for when the attacker drops out of guard. 

Last and by far the most important was the dope takedown Fritz hit on me at the end of the day. Technically called Ma sutemi, Ian and I prefer 'the fruit roll up'. Check out this dope takedown and even doper toaster graphics below. Oooh. Scary dragon.