12/4 Gi recap - Omoplata escape and sweep

This week we are looking at the Omoplata. First we looked at what is to my mind the most effective escape. It involves getting a hold of the far foot and working it over your head so you can unwind the shoulder pressure and move toward the pass. Below is a video of Robson Moura showing this technique with a few minor differences from the way we looked at it in class. Firstly, his foot work is different. He posts his far leg up, I prefer to straighten my near leg and 'trip' my opponent over it. Both are done with the goal of putting the attacker on their back and acquiring a hand grip on their far foot. Second, he grabs the leg at the ankle, I prefer to grab it at the toes and apply a bit of pressure to the ankle to make them want to exit the position. 

Personally, regular Omoplatas are not a big part of my jiu jitsu. I know lots of people use them to great effect, but for me, I almost exclusively use them to sweep. This can be done to a kneeling or standing opponent. Again, here is Robson demonstrating the Omoplata sweep.