12/27 Sambo Recap - Podkhvat - Uchi Mata

Back on that mat for the last class of the year, we returned to one of the first techniques we ever looked at, Uchi Mata or Podkhvat. This throw has always been a bit of a struggle for me to hit cleanly. I have been able to manage Ken Ken Uchi Mata with some success, but to get a good clean throw off of a conventional Uchi Mata has been tough. In my research though I found the videos below and with it a lot more confidence in the throw. The key for me was three things. One, aim my attack at the far leg. Two, bring my supporting leg much deeper, right next to the attacking leg. Three, maintain tighter upper body contact and be willing to roll out of the throw. All of these things can be seen in the videos below. The first is in Russian but was easily the most helpful for me. 

The next is Igor Kurinnoy teaching the technique at a seminar in Seattle. I wish I had been into Sambo then, I wouldn't have missed it. 

This last video is from Judo Mat Lab and focuses on the difference between the way the technique is frequently taught and how it is actually hit it competition.