8/30 Sambo round up

We started this class warming up by drilling basic foot sweeps. Mostly we were looking at forcing the foot sweep with a push/pull as opposed to timing it off of a step. We will work both in the near future. That said, we were mostly interested in using the sweep to set up a Morote Seoi Nage. We looked at dropping into a deep squat or straight to the knees as Tori prefers. Check out the highlight of this throw below. Note how often Tori must pike their hips up to finish the throw. 

Changing gears completely I wanted to address something I said in BJJ the other night. We were talking about front headlock and I said that a simple drag down is very effective from a good front headlock. However, in sambo, while dragging a person to their hands and knees may offer a chance for a fast submission entry, we want to put them on their back ensure we score. Instead we looked at a spin under sacrifice throw from front headlock. In the version below, Vlad stresses grabbing the near arm to prevent them from turning away, we toyed with both a belt grip and a far leg grip instead. The more I think on it, the more I like the far leg.