8/25 - No Gi Recap - Nearside armbar to choking options

This class was about attacking the nearside armbar from modified scarf hold. In this position we have the far side underhook instead of the head. When I say underhook however, I mean we are seeking to keep the far elbow off the mat, not grip the far shoulder. From here we looked at attacking the near arm first with a step over armbar as below. The videos are all in the Gi but the content doesn’t change.

This armbar keeps the wrist trapped in our armpit and is subtle and frankly a little finicky. That said, the adjustment to the more conventional finish is easy enough. See below for details.

Remember, future proof their escape options by keeping good control of that far side elbow! Next we looked at linking this attack to our previous discussions of the Howdy or Rainbow choke.

The only thing we covered in class that is not shown in the above videos is the transition back to the Darce choke. This is done when our opponent is able to defend the above techniques by rolling to their flank. We covered this in class because conventional Darce chokes work so much better without the jacket. I have booked some time to film things today and will try to add that to the list. See you on the mats.